Thursday, April 13, 2017

Travel, useless stuff, and selling your underwear on ebay.

Well less than a week until I hit the road, and still a lot of work to do.  You never realize how much useless junk you have until you want to get rid of it. 
        Honestly I never realized how much of a clothes guy I was,   I love my hoodies (and they come in handy here in Portland)  but over 20 of them?  I do have a lot of jeans too, but most of them are ripped and torn beyond use and honestly should have been tossed a long time ago. I have T-shirts that have shrunk so much they don't fit anymore, about four pairs of shorts missing buttons.  and the socks, MY GOD over a hundred pair! 
         When it comes to socks I have this theory that when clean socks are needed they magically disappear, but when you're trying to shrink all your junk down so you can fit it in your friends garage without taking up too much space, they all reappear, and laugh manically at you for wondering where they all were when they were needed. 
           Of coarse there's underwear too.  But I hear there's a market for used underwear on ebay or some other sites.   Why anyone would want the dirty boxers  of a forty year old man is beyond me.  But to each their own, we all have our kinks and I need the money!  OK maybe not that bad, but its always nice to have options!   

I also have some stuff that's rather easy to get rid of.  Chief among them books!  Portland loves books!  We have little sharing library trees all across the city!  I've almost completely filled the two closest, and will now be branching out to get rid of the remaining hundred or so books I still have! 

DVDs and CDs, easy they temporarily go in my friends collection.  The hardest stuff, the sentimental, yet essentially worthless keepsakes.  Show programs, old tickets to Timber matches, etc., etc., etc....... 

               The biggest mistake I make when I come back from the road, is I start collecting stuff, which is the antithesis of long term travel to begin with.  Life should be about the experience, the memories and the people.  That's what travel is all about, my flight leaves in five days, and if I wanna be on it I got a lot of work to do, getting rid of stuff.